What Makes A Good Karate Kata Athlete

This article looks at categorising Kata athletes into three different levels which is based off of the WKF rules, successful characteristics are looked at with a basic structure for training that can be implemented to improve your overall standard for either training or for the purpose of competing.

Covid & The Human Body

The Lancet (2021) wrote an editorial on the 25th of September 2021: COVID-19: learning as an interdependent world: “The handling of the pandemic is becoming increasingly politicised, with many public health decisions informed by partisan division instead of science. The conflation of the two is damaging public trust in both governments and scientists”.

Science of Stretching, Muscle Stiffness & Flexibility

SEEKPNG The Biomechanics of Flexibility & Muscle Tension An article written by Duane Knudson. (2006) discussed the biomechanics of flexibility: Tension within muscles have “two mechanical sources, active and passive”. Active tension occurs when there is contractile force generated through movement from “the interaction of actin and myosin filaments” which both have elastic properties. PassiveContinueContinue reading “Science of Stretching, Muscle Stiffness & Flexibility”

Basic Anatomy

Disclaimer: The information on this website is used for educational purposes with all rights reserved to the original researchers, for further reading read their original paper and do your own research & comparisons on each subject, the name of the original author of each paper will be hyperlinked and will be referenced/cited. Any information IContinueContinue reading “Basic Anatomy”