2 Years On: What Has Media Reported About Comorbidities & Covid So Far ?

Deep dive into comparisons between Europe, United States & Asia. Understand how being overweight increases the severity of covid. Find out who are the at risk populations. Dive into media articles from 2020-2022 and learn why lockdowns don’t work that must be avoided in the future. Vaccines alone will not stop covid but the severity of it can be heavily reduced with a lifestyle intervention. Around 1% of the population are severely affected by covid with a 99% survival rate.

Lifestyle Choices, Covid-19 & Underlying Health Conditions

The World Health Organisation (2021) wrote an article on the 13th of April 2021 about Noncommunicable diseases, these types of disease are responsible for 71% of all deaths world-wide, more than 15 million die from Noncommunicable diseases each year who tend to be between the ages of 30 to 69+.

Covid & The Human Body

The Lancet (2021) wrote an editorial on the 25th of September 2021: COVID-19: learning as an interdependent world: “The handling of the pandemic is becoming increasingly politicised, with many public health decisions informed by partisan division instead of science. The conflation of the two is damaging public trust in both governments and scientists”.

Government & Covid 2

Disclaimer: The information on this website is used for educational purposes with all rights reserved to the original researchers, for further reading read their original paper and do your own research & comparisons on each subject, the name of the original author of each paper will be hyperlinked and will be referenced/cited. Any information IContinueContinue reading “Government & Covid 2”

Media, Government & Covid-19

With media playing an important role showcasing health, it is important that social media and media platforms show real scientific evidence to make sure the public have the correct information for health measures to be implemented effectively. As everyone is behind closed doors information is given through the news via video & articles which can be viewed at any time. Majority of the population do not do their own research and will believe anything that is on media platforms such as Facebook where information can be manipulated giving a false sense of reality. Governments need to provide clear and transparent evidence so that health & safety measures can be put in place, if information is confusing and misleading the public will not follow the advice. The evidence within this article shows that gyms are safe. Gyms are needed as it’s a safe controlled environment so that those who have long covid can focus on rehabilitation as well tackling the countries obesity crisis as it is a leading factor according to multiple medical journals across the globe. If a leisure centre or gym has had no cases legislation on the coronavirus bill of 2020 must be revoked, it can only be implemented if the business has declared a coronavirus case to stop the spread.

Exercise, Obesity & Covid-19

Meera Senthilingam from The British Medical Journal (2021) has stated “obesity is a risk factor for severe covid-19 disease and death”. Since the pandemic began the fitness industry has been ignored by government taking away the resources to combat the issue. Studies from USA have shown that having a “BMI of over 30 increased being admitted to hospital by 113%, admitted to intensive care by 74% and dying by up to 48%”. Public Health England have reported similar figures, those with a BMI over 40 have an increased risk of death by 90%.