2 Years On: What Has Media Reported About Comorbidities & Covid So Far ?

Deep dive into comparisons between Europe, United States & Asia. Understand how being overweight increases the severity of covid. Find out who are the at risk populations. Dive into media articles from 2020-2022 and learn why lockdowns don’t work that must be avoided in the future. Vaccines alone will not stop covid but the severity of it can be heavily reduced with a lifestyle intervention. Around 1% of the population are severely affected by covid with a 99% survival rate.

Lifestyle Choices, Covid-19 & Underlying Health Conditions

The World Health Organisation (2021) wrote an article on the 13th of April 2021 about Noncommunicable diseases, these types of disease are responsible for 71% of all deaths world-wide, more than 15 million die from Noncommunicable diseases each year who tend to be between the ages of 30 to 69+.

Covid & The Human Body

The Lancet (2021) wrote an editorial on the 25th of September 2021: COVID-19: learning as an interdependent world: “The handling of the pandemic is becoming increasingly politicised, with many public health decisions informed by partisan division instead of science. The conflation of the two is damaging public trust in both governments and scientists”.